29 May 2008

Islam Hadhari sudah Berkubur?

Pak Lah tidah bercakap lagi pasal Islam Hadharinya selepas Pilihan Raya. Adakah Imam Besar Islam Hadhari telah meninggalkan fahamannya?. Sekarang Negeri Negeri PR telah mengharamkan apa apa acara Islam Hadhari di negeri mereka. Itu adalah satu tindakan yang betul.

Islam Hadhari ciptaan Pak Lah telah tidak dapat diterima masyarakat. Ada beberapa kemungkinan yang terlintas di fikiran Pak Lah. Mungkin Islam Hadhari yang diciptanya sebenarnya tidak sepatutnya diwujudkan selama ini, semua sokongan yang diterimanya adalah disebabkan pengampu yang mengiakan sahaja apa yang Pak Lah bawa.

Sebagai pemimpin Islam dan selalu bercakap mengenai Islam, Pak Lah perlu mendahului dengan contoh yang baik. Tetapi Pak Lah tidak sedar bahawa dia bukanlah seorang pemimpin yang layak untuk bercakap tentang Islam kerana isteri dan anaknya pun tidak mampu untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai Islam dalam hidup.

Think Tank Islam Hadhari telah ditubuhkan di beberapa buah Universiti, UKM dan UIAM, antara lain. Pensyarah pensyarah diarah untuk mempelopori fahaman ini dan aktivi aktiviti mempromosinya banyak telah dianjurkan. Semua ini akan membazirkan duit rakyat kerana yang pastinya fahaman ini akan berkubur dengan tersungkurnya Imam Besar Islam Hadhari sedikit masa lagi.

Kemanakah pergi Ummu Islam Hadhari, Ustazah Mashitah?

Syabas Polis Selangor

Jarang orang ramai mahu memuji PDRM. Tetapi semalam pihak Polis Selangor telah membiarkan penduduk BMC memecahkan bongkol bongkol konkrit dan membuka laluan pintas tersebut. Ketua Polis Selangor, Khalid Abu Bakar telah berada disitu pada jam 7.30 pm untuk memastikan keselamatan penduduk penduduk yang sedang memecahkan halangan yang dibina oleh Grand Saga. Beliau memberi amaran kepada Grand Saga agar tidak membina halangan itu semula.

Ini lah pertama kali aku lihat pihak Polis menyebelahi rakyat marhaen dan tidak memihak kepada Penguasa yang zalim. Aku pasti tindakan Ketua Polis Selangor yang berada disitu adalah dengan arahan Kerajaan PKR Selangor.

Syabas kepada PDRM.

Ezam yang 'insaf' masuk UMNO

Ramai yang sedih dan kecewa apabila Ezam menyerahkan permohonan menjadi ahli UMNO kepada AAB semalam. Sedih bukan sebab masyarakat kehilangan saorang pejuang, tetapi sedih kerana melihat seorang pemuda kehilangan prinsip yang selama ini diperjuangkan.

Sebelum ini Ezam sanggup masuk penjara kerana memperjuangkan prinsip keadilan bersama PKR. Aku melihat sendiri macamana porak perandanya rumahtangga beliau semasa zaman reformasi. Aku kenal keluarga dia dan sama sama terharu apabila beliau ditangkap oleh polis dizaman itu. Apabila Anwar dipenjarakan, Ezamlah yang telah menjadi tulang belakang PKR, membina PKR bersama Dr Azizah. Tetapi kenapakah beliau meninggalkan Anwar dan sekarang menjerumuskan diri kedalam tong najis. Ini adalah sama episod yang pernah dilalui oleh Anwar dahulu. Dan beliau tidak belajar langsung dari sejarah tersebut.

Adalah difahamkan AAB akan 'menganugerahkan' senatorship kepada beliau dan beliau akan dilantik untuk mengetuai satu GLC. Semua tahu, tiada siapa yang akan masuk UMNO tanpa ganjaran. Lihatlah Firdaus, Ruslan Kassim dan Nakhaei, yang hidup mewah apabila masuk UMNO. Apakah salahnya juga jikalau nombor keahlian Mahathir, 00000001 diberikan kepada Ezam?

Ezam sebenarnya telah tersilap perhitungan. Jikalau beliau masih didalam PKR, tentulah beliau akan dipanggil sebagai "Yang Berhormat' sekarang ini. Setelah keluar dari PKR, gerakan 'Gerak' yang diketuai nya tidak langsung mempunyai impak dalam sosio politik Malaysia. Tidak ramai yang kenal siapa itu 'Gerak'. Selagi beliau tidak aktif didalam kancah politik, nama Ezam akan tenggelam dibaham zaman. Untuk masuk semula kedalam PKR tentulah beliau akan dicop sebagai bacul.

Dulu macam macam perkataan buruk dilontarkan kepada UMNO. Sekarang beliau perlu menjilat semula muntah muntah tersebut. Ramai yang tidak mengerti mengapa beliau boleh melakukan perkara sejijik itu.

Ini lah yang terjadi jika prinsip perjuangan dan ketahanan diri tidak kukuh dan matap.

28 May 2008

Grand Saga dan budaya ganster

Semalam pergaduhan telah berlaku diantara penduduk penduduk Bandar Mahkota Cheras (BMC) dan sekumpulan balachi-balachi. Penduduk penduduk BMC yang sedang memecahkan sekatan konkrik yang dibina oleh Grand Saga telah diserang oleh lebih dari 30 balachi-balachi tersebut. Zainal Abidin Ali, Pengarah eksekutif Grand Saga telah menafikan bahawa kumpulan tersebut telah diarah oleh Syarikat untuk mempertahankan sekatan yang telah dibina.

Hanya manusia yang dunggul akan mempercayai penafian Zainal, yang sebelum ini pernah menjawat jawatan Ketua Polis Dang Wangi. Orang yang siuman tidak akan mempertahankan sekatan tersebut kerana ianya adalah menguntungkan penduduk tempatan.

Pihak Polis perlu menyiasat perkara ini dan menangkap orang orang yang mengarahkan balachi-balachi tersebut yang memukul penduduk penduduk BMC. Kita ingin lihat pihak Polis menyebelahi golongan Marhaen dan tidak kelihatan saperti mempertahankan golongan penindas.

Isu ini jika tidak diselesaikan dengan baik, akan menambahkan lagi kepincangan AAB yang nampak lemah dan tidak berdaya sekarang ini.

Berakhirnya Ketuanan Islam di Malaysia?

Adalah berkemungkinan besar PR akan berkuasa di bumi bertuah ini sedikit masa lagi. Anwar telah mempunyai cukup korum dari parti parti diSabah dan Sarawak untuk melompat ke PR. Tetapi hari keramat masih di tangguh lagi. Ini adalah kerana banyak percaturan yang belum selesai. Jika PR berkuasa sekarang, kuasa dan ketuanan melayu akan berakhir. Anwar sendiri tidak mahu perkara itu berlaku.

Pada waktu sekarang PR mempunyai kerusi 43 Melayu (M) dan 39 Bukan Melayu (BM). Orang Islam masih majoriti. Jika 30 ahli Parlimen dari Sabah dan Serawak melompat ke PR, PR akan mempunyai kerusi 43 M dan 69 BM (kesemua 30 kerusi dari puak Bidayuh, Iban, Dayak, Kadazan, Cina). Orang Islam bukan majoriti lagi. Jumlah ini, 112 sudah cukup untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan BN, walaupun dengan kelebihan 2 undi. Tetapi kemenangan PR akan menyebabkan berakhirnya ketuanan melayu dan Islam di bumi ini. Kelebihan 2 undi bukan lah satu kekuatan yang boleh dibanggakan. Ibrahim Ali tentunya akan melompat ke UMNO, dan menyebabkan porak peranda, kerana PR dan BN akan sama sama mempunyai 111 ahli Parliman.

Anwar tentu peka dengan permasalahan ini. Walaupun perkataan ketuanan rakyat di gembar gemburkan, tidak ada satu orang melayu di bumi Malaysia ini menginginkan kuasa ketuanan melayu dan Islam hilang. Tentu apa apa isu yang menyebelahi keagongan Islam tidak akan mendapat undi majoriti di Parlimen. Kehilangan kuasa Islam akan menyebabkan orang Melayu membelakangkan PR, dan PR tentu akan tewas pada PUR akan datang.

Apa yang PR perlu laksanakan ialah untuk menarik lebih ramai lagi katak katak dari UMNO untuk melompat ke PR. Jumlahnya mestilah menyebabkan PR mempunyai majoriti orang Islam di Parlimen. Tapi ianya "Easy said than done".

Selagi kekuatan orang Islam masih majoriti di Parlimen, adalah lebih baik UMNO berkuasa pada waktu sekarang. Walaupun kerajaan UMNO penuh dengan keangkuhan dan kezalimannya, kekuasan Islam masih ketara. Walaubagaimana pun, kita berharap Anwar, dengan karisma dan persenolitinya, dapat menarik katak katak Melayu BN, dan mendirikan kerajaan majoriti Islam PR.

Jika Kerajaan PR tidak menunaikan kesemua janji janji mereka nanti, adalah hak rakyat untuk menukar mereka pada PUR akan datang.

27 May 2008

Pulau Batu Putih Menjadi Milik orang akibat surat Acting SUK yang BANGANG

Pulau Batu Putih secara consistent berada di bawah Malaysia/ Kerajaan Johor sehingga tertulisnya sepucuk surat dari seorang PEMANGKU atau acting Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri atau state secretary Johore bernama MOHAMAD SHETH BIN SAAID yang memberi secara percuma Pulau Batu Puteh kepada British Colony Singapore.

Perkataan nya simple saja iaitu 'Johore Government does not claim ownership of Pedra Branca' (Kerajaan Johor tidak menuntut hak atas Batu Putih) dan surat ini di tujukan kepada Colonial Secretary of Singapore. Adakah surat ini boleh mewakili surat Sultan Johor dan sah dari segi niat, adakah ia bermakna melepaskan hak pulau itu kepada Tanah Jajahan Singapore atau hanya mengatakan ia tidak berminat kepada pulau itu walau pulau itu dia punya? Itu terserahlah kepada peguam bela Malaysia yang di kira hebat hebat belaka untuk MEMBERITAHU rakyat malaysia di Parlimen bagaimana mereka telah tidak berjaya mewujudkan doubt di makhamah di Haque.

Namun semua nya sudah sia sia . Hukuman Makhamah dunia adalah final tidak boleh di rayu. Mungkin kes batu putih merupakan kesinambungan kebodohan orang Melayu memerintah negara mereka. Cuba bayangkan seorang pegawai kerajaan berpangkat SUK (Adakah sudah ujud PTD pada masa itu?) dan bukan nya SUK penuh tetapi hanya Acting atau MEWAKILI SUK yang bernama M.SHETH BIN SAAID saja telah menyebabkan Malaysia kehilangan satu pulau. Adakah Mohamed Sheth ini acting untuk orang lain atau tidak , itu pun tidak di ketahui. Kita pun bertanya tanya bagaimana kes kedaulatan boleh di tulis kepada Colonial secretary oleh acting SUK tanpa sebarang sk. atau a copy to sultan atau kepada jabatan lain.

Saya tak pasti Johor 1953 masih berada di bawah British atau tidak. Itu kerja Ghani Patail untuk menentukan validity of the letter. Kebodohan orang melayu mungkin akan juga berlaku di Wilayah Iskandar atau wilayah wilayah lain yang wujud dalam berbagai bentuk pada zaman sekarang.

Sudah lah orang melayu berpecah pelah PAS , UMNO , PKR , Pro Mahathir , Anti Mahathir, Pro Dollah Anti Dollah , Pro Islamic state , anti Islamic state, sekarang kehilangan Batu Putih kerana kebodohan technicallity adalah bukti tidak cerdik orang Melayu menjaga hal ehwal masyarakat mereka.

26 May 2008

Batu Putih: Johore UMNO government sleeping on the job

Johor PAS lodged a police report today against former foreign minister Syed Hamid Albar for having been ‘careless’, resulting in the loss of sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore.


abdul ghani othmanabdul gani patailAlso named were two key individuals who were alleged to share responsibility in the matter - Johor Menteri Besar Ghani Othman (right) and Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail (left).

Johor PAS information chief Mazlan Alimin, who was accompanied by about 30 people, said the government had been careless and irresponsible in allowing Singapore to occupy the uninhabited island.

“They did not do anything against Singapore when it constructed buildings and a light house on the island,” said Mazlan after lodging the report at central police station in Johor Baru.

“This (gave the impression that) the government had recognised Singapore as the owner (of Pulau Batu Puteh).”

pulau batu puteh putih judgement 230508Last Friday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favour of Singapore, in the 28-year sovereignty dispute with Malaysia over Pulau Batu Puteh, a strategically-located island about half the size of a football field.

Mazlan said Johor PAS has been fighting to stake sovereignty over the island since 1992, by submitting a number of memoranda to the government. It has also held protests at the Pulau Batu Puteh jetty.

While he said he respects the ICJ decision, Mazlan noted that “this is an embarrassing result” for Malaysians.

25 May 2008

00000001 UMNO membership for grasp to the highest bidder

Any takers, Ezam, Azmin, Anwar........... :D :D

24 May 2008

Batu Putih

As a true blue Johorean, losing Batu Putih to that Small Dot is not only disappointing but humiliating too. Some people tell us to get over losing the island and not to look at it as a loss of a valuable. There is no love lost between us Johoreans and Singaporeans. Losing the island is like loosing a part of you.

Rais Yatim say it is a win-win situation. How can we be winning when we are losing the priced jewel among the rocks. How can we be winning when that Small Dot is getting the bigger chunk when it is 25 nautical miles away compared to 7 nautical miles away for us. Rais Yatim was so confident of winning that he announce last week that we have a very strong case. Will someone check his law Phd. whether it is bogus.

Malaysia lost because of the letter written on 21 September 1953 by the Johore acting State Secretary (who is this guy anyway?) stating that the Johore Government does not claim ownership of the island. Hey, was this guy acting on behalf of the Sultan at that time?. Is his signature legal because he is only 'acting' on behalf of the State Secretary? I am not a Lawyer, but i smell something fishy there. When sovereignty is at stake, shouldn't ICJ relies on a more reliable evidence, e.g signature of the Sultan himself, rather than his subject?

If we don't have the fact and figures, we should not have brought this matter to ICJ. On hindsight we should have let the case hang and not bring it to arbitration. Then we could have still used the issue against Singapore perpetually. There are so many cases hanging unsolved. What is so special about this rock?

The whole Malaysian legal team should resign en masse. They have failed the country and should take the blame for losing our rightful territory.

First crossover from BN to PR at end of May?

dr jeffrey kitinganDr Jeffrey Kitingan told Malaysiakini last night the crossover numbers come from Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, almost equal in number for each of them.

According to Jeffrey who is also Sabah PKR deputy chief, the first batch of Barisan MPs to join Pakatan will take place either at the end of May or early next month.

This would be followed by those in the peninsula, he said, adding that Sarawak MPs would be the last to follow suit.

23 May 2008

Indelible ink conspiracy: the truth will prevail

What they said:

Prime minister - the scrapping of the indelible ink was a cabinet's suggestion to EC, and not a directive.

Abdul Rashid (EC Chairman) - Cabinet had objected to the use of the indelible ink and that i was ordered to take the blame for the decision.

Syed Hamid Albar - EC’s decision to cancel the use of the indelible ink was based on ‘hearsay evidence’ received by the police and the EC’s move to call off the use of the ink was based on “unsubstantiated claims that elements of sabotage had been detected by the police”.

NIEI ( National Institute for Electoral Integrity) executive director Amin Iskandar - This is a conspiracy between the prime minister and the EC chairman to rob our rights (as voters).

Musa Hassan - four people were under investigation for buying the indelible ink from neighbouring countries and they were planning to use it on unsuspecting voters to create chaos on polling day.

Cikgu Bard (Badrul Hisham Shahrin) - They have received inside information that BN would lose government if the indelible ink were to be used, hence its cancellation. The conflicting statements given by the four parties involved - the cabinet, EC, IGP and AG - indicated a conspiracy behind this cancellation.

The truth will prevail.

22 May 2008

Trojan horses in UMNO ?

This article from Malaysia Today,

"Anwar has very cleverly placed 43 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament in his pocket. In fact, many wanted to contest the 8 March 2008 general election on an opposition ticket but Anwar told them to contest under Barisan Nasional where they will be assured of winning. Some were secret supporters of Parti Keadilan Rakyat who helped finance the party in its early days when it was struggling for acceptance. Anwar knew that they were more useful as Trojan Horses who can remain sleepers until they are required to wake up. And over the last week a number have ‘woken up’ to reveal their true ‘colours’ -- and the colours is that of Pakatan Rakyat." - RPK

"A political realignment is in the cards. A political realignment is necessary for Umno’s and Barisan Nasional’s survival. But the wrong political realignment will mean that the country is headed for doom. Pakatan Rakyat has 82 Parliament seats. Barisan Nasional, in reality, has only 97. 43 are sleepers waiting for the order to wake up. These 43 will determine whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat leads the country." - RPK

Believe it or not.

Kalau jumpa ular dan Nalla, pukul Nalla dulu

"He is lying. I don't believe him, and I don't trust him," Nalla said of Anwar when met by reporters in the lobby of Parliament this afternoon.

nallakaruppan abdullah parliament 210508 bNallakaruppan, who has previously said he had known Anwar personally for 30 years, had a falling out with the former deputy premier and current leader of Pakatan after claiming that he was ‘stabbed in the back' by Anwar.

According to Nallakaruppan, the falling-out was over the 2007 by-election in Ijok, Selangor as well as the contest for one of PKR's three vice-presidents' posts.

"This character and myself, we cannot get along. I tolerated him for 30 years. Now I want to stay away," he added.

Asked why he was doing so while certain parties were claiming Abdullah lacked leadership qualities and that Abdullah was on his way out, Nallakaruppan said he does not think Abdullah was a weak leader.

"He is a good leader. That's why I came to (express my) support," he said.

Asked further, Nallakaruppan said: "I have to trust my prime minister. I have to love my prime minister." :v

Anwar to be PM for two terms only

A confident Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim met foreign correspondents based in Singapore yesterday and opened the door a wee bit more on his plans to grab power.

However he stated that if he does comes to power, he wants to push for a change on a PM's longevity i.e not more than two terms, the same system as in the US. He says that he don't intend to be active in political life beyond a decade.

We have seen our leaders overstaying their welcome before. This is good news for Malaysia.

21 May 2008

The last straw that breaks the camel's back

Why is Mahathir so adamant for Pak Lah to step down as premier? Today he disclosed his plan to achieve his objective by urging Barisan Nasional MPs to quit the coalition, become independents and force the collapse of the Abdullah administration. It seems there is nothing in his mind now, except plotting the downfall of Pak Lah. It is more strange considering Pak Lah is his chosen successor. When he was PM, he has all the government intelligent units, the SB and Military Intelligence at his disposal. Surely he must have done a very stringent check on his successor. But why now the brouhaha?

There is only one reason why he is doing all these.

The former prime minister believes that the man who he sacked and jailed in 1998 will come after him with vengeance if he captures the top political office in the country. Yes, he believe the threat of Anwar becoming PM is real.

With Pak Lah's weak style of leadership and UMNO's political infighting, many believe that Anwar will eventually become PM. The spectre of Anwar becoming PM is like a bad dream coming true for Mahathir. He will try all means to prevent it becoming a reality, even to the extent of toppling Pak Lah and choosing a new PM. If Anwar becomes PM, he will die in jail.

Instead of getting down to serious work after the elections and concentrating on executing far reaching effective and decisive nation-building policies and reforms, Pak Lah and other leaders were more pre-occupied with tackling Mahathir's lunatic tendencies.

Some have summed up, whatever the outcome, with the Malay proverb, "kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang" (ashes if you lose, charcoal if you win).

Bila Artis tidak Bersolek

Some light stuff here, this pics of artist without their makeup.
Even if they passes u bye, i bet you don't even bat an eyelid :D

Diana Danielle before and after

Rozita Che Wan before and after


Salamiah Hassan


Nina Juren

Mila dan Farah

Amylea AF3

Sheila Rusly

UMNO Sekarang

Aku banyak berurusan dengan orang UMNO didalam kerjaya. Kesemua mereka sama saja, pencarian kekayaan peribadi menjadi matlamat utama. Mereka tidak pernah bercerita tentang perjuangan membela bangsa, mereka tidak pernah bercerita untuk menegakkan keadilan rakyat dan mereka tidak pernah bercerita untuk mengagongkan syiar Islam. Yang mereka bercerita hanya cara nak menjadi lebih kaya, macamana nak beli kereta yang lebih mahal dan macamana nak menambah bini yang lebih cantik dan molek. Perjuangan orang orang Umno sekarang ini sangatlah berbeza dengan perjuangan orang orang dulu. Mereka terlalu bongkak dan sombong. Kalau kekayaan dan kuasa menjadi matlamat, percayalah UMNO akan menjadi bahan Muzium tidak lama lagi, apabila rakyat menolak mereka.

Mati semut kerana gula. Peribahasa yang kita semua maklum maksud yang tersirat. Gula itu semut dan semut itu gula. Semut boleh mati dalam gula, kerana gula dan demi gula. Sama seperti UMNO adalah wang dan wang adalah UMNO. Seperti mana semut gila mabuk dan mati kerana gula, UMNO boleh gila mabuk dan mati dalam duit, kerana duit dan demi duit.

Apa yang ada pada parti yang memisahkan agama dan politik. Apabila bicara soal dosa dan pahala maka pemimpin UMNO seakan histeria dan marah-marah. Apabila dosa dan pahala dilenyapkan daripada prinsip perjuangan, maka yang tinggal cuma nafsu. Apa yang ada pada UMNO cuma benda. Wang, perempuan, projek, kontrak, subsidi adalah cara berpolitik jahiliyah. Cara berpolitik ini telah diamalkan semenjak dari zaman Nabi Musa ke zaman Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sehinggalah ke hari ini. Tiada apa yang baru dan luarbiasa. Sejarah telah membuktikannya.

UMNO kini serba tak kena. UMNO mahu dilihat Islam tetapi menolak hukum Islam. UMNO mahu dilihat bebas daripada rasuah sedangkan UMNO boleh mati tanpa rasuah kerana UMNO mati tanpa wang dan politik wang.

Sedarlah bahawa rakyatlah yang berkuasa sekarang. Rakyat bukan mudah diperbodoh bodohkan. Rakyat sudah tahu menilai mana yang haq dan mana yang bathil. Insaflah sebelum terlambat.

It ain't over until the fat lady sings

From Malaysia Today, believe it or not, full article read here.

"To insult or defy Rulers goes against Islam, say the men of the cloth. Is this so? Well, then Rosmah, the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister, has committed a serious crime and should be punished. Rosmah phoned His Highness the Sultan of Selangor and scolded him. Rosmah spoke to His Highness the way you would scold a dog that shit on your new carpet.

Rosmah is angry that Raja Petra Bin Raja Kamarudin wrote an article called Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell. And Rosmah phoned His Highness the Sultan of Selangor and shouted at him. That is worse than what Karpal Singh did.

Rosmah wants to become the ‘First Lady’ of Malaysia even though the First Lady is the Agong’s consort. But Rosmah has committed treason against the Ruler. 200 years ago Rosmah would have been put to death. Today she will be rewarded with a RM100 million budget to renovate the Prime Minister’s residence in Putrajaya when her husband becomes Prime Minister.

And Raja Petra Bin Raja Kamarudin now challenges Rosmah for her to deny this allegation. Or maybe she would like to make a police report instead. That is what they normally do anyway when they are not able to reply. Porah Rosmah. Please don’t phone my cousin His Highness the Sultan of Selangor. Please don’t shout at my cousin His Highness the Sultan of Selangor. The Perak Mufti said that if you do that then you are disrespectful to Islam. You are only the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister who shall never become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. This quarrel is between you and me. Leave my cousin His Highness the Sultan of Selangor out of it."

Beza antara pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dengan BN

Merekalah pemimpin PAS, DAP dan KeADILan yang juga dikenali sebagai Pakatan Rakyat yang dipilih rakyat dan memperjuangkan serta membela jatuh bangunnya nasib rakyat di dalam negara.

Sungguhpun mereka sudah mempunyai jawatan baik sebagai Menteri Besar, Ahli Parlimen mahupun Wakil Rakyat namun sikap dan tindakan mereka sentiasa menarik perhatian ramai dan menyentuh hati semua pihak.

1. Menteri Besar Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat

- Beliau menghapuskan peruntukan Menteri Besar untuk Juadah Hari Raya sebanyak RM 30,000 dan Juadah Berbuka Puasa sebanyak RM 15,000serta memotong bonus / elaun Menteri Besar sebanyak 45 peratus yang dibahagikan 40 peratus kepada parti dan lima peratus kepada Perbendaharaan Negeri. Beliau tidak tinggal di kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar sebaliknya masih menduduki rumah lamanya di Pulau Melaka.

2. Menteri Besar Kedah Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak

- Menolak peruntukan kerajaan negeri untuk membaik-pulih pagar kediaman rumah beliau kerana tidak mahu menggunakan wang rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi walaupun telah dinasihati oleh Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) dan pihak polis.

- Beliau masih menggunakan kenderaan lamanya dan tidak mendiami kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar Kedah di Sri Mentaloon sebaliknya terus tinggal di rumah lamanya di Jalan Sultanah, Alor Setar.

3. Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang

- Lim Guan Eng juga tidak menduduki kediaman rasmi kerana berpendapat agak sukar berpindah-randah setelah jawatan tersebut tidak dipegangnya lagi.

- Beliau menduduki hotel bukan mengikut kadar seorang Menteri Besar walaupun telah diperuntukan malah menaiki kapal terbang kelas ekonomi tidak kelas bisnes.

4.Menteri Besar Selangor

- Menurut beberapa kakitangan awam, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim menjamu selera di kantin pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri bersama kakitangan lain dan tidak di 'cafe' khas yang disediakan untuk Menteri Besar dan Exco Negeri.

5. Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat

- Ahli Parlimen PAS Rantau Panjang Siti Zailah Mohd Yusuf bersama suami menaiki bas di Hentian Putra untuk pulang ke kampung meninjau kawasan.

- Ahli Parlimen Mahfuz Omar tidak mendiami hotel sebaliknya Markas PAS Taman Melewar sekiranya datang ke Kuala Lumpur untuk menghadiri sidang Parlimen dan adakalanya menaiki pengangkutan awam berulang-alik ke Kedah.

- Beberapa ahli parlimen PAS 'berkongsi kereta' untuk datang ke Kuala Lumpur bagi menghadiri sidang Parlimen.

- Adun PAS kawasan Paroi, Negeri Sembilan Taufek Abd Ghani sanggup memotong sejumlah 50 peratus gaji Adun yang diperolehi setiap bulan untuk disalur kepada Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat dan membantu golongan miskin di kawasannya.

- Adun PAS kawasan Cempaka, Selangor Iskandar Samad yang juga merupakan Exco negeri dilihat orang ramai beratur panjang untuk membayar bil di Bangunan SUK.

Kisah dan fakta ini merupakan antara beberapa petikan dan rakaman menarik berhubung dengan sikap dan tingkah laku pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang berjaya direkodkan malah terdapat lagi pelbagai kisah menarik ahli-ahli parlimen yang lain yang tidak dapat dicoretkan kesemuanya.

20 May 2008

Mahathir's Judiciary Commission

Baru baru ini, Pak Lah cuba mengembalikan kekuasaan pihak kehakiman dengan menubuhkan 'Judiciary Commission'. Tetapi pada zaman Mahathir, JC telah pun berfungsi tanpa pengetahuan ramai.

Ahli ahli JC terdiri daripada:
  1. Vincent Tan :v
  2. Tengku Adnan :v
  3. VK Linggam :v
Hanya sekarang baru kita tahu siapa kuasa kuasa disebalik pemilihan para para hakim kita dizaman Mahathir.

PAS hand in Mahathir's resignation

It was Parti Islam SeMalaysia which forced Dr Mahathir Mohamad to quit.

PAS member Ismail Wan Teh, after listening to Dr Mahathir urge Umno members to quit the party en masse in protest against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, asked the former PM if he would take the lead.

Dr Mahathir said the question sounded like a dare and said he would quit Umno. He was not aware that the man who challenged him had contested and lost the Kota Siputeh state seat on March 8.

PAS has greeted Dr Mahathir's decision to resign from Umno with jubilation. Spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat invited Dr Mahathir to join Pas, adding that the former PM should have left Umno long ago and chosen Islam as the platform for his political struggle. :O

17 May 2008

Burj Dubai tallest in the world


Burj Dubai has reached a milestone. It is now the tallest building in the world, even though it is still under construction , at 636m in height and over 160 floors completed.

On april 07 2008 Burj Dubai surpassed the KVLY_TV (629m) mast to become the tallest man made structure on earth.

On july 21 2007 it surpassed the Taipei 101 (509.2m)

16 May 2008

Till Death Do Us Part

Racked by horror and heartache, there was none to help him as he struggled to give his wife some vestige of dignity in death.

But in the chaotic aftermath of the Chinese earthquake, this man was determined she should not be left abandoned in the grim mountains of rubble.

So, with loving gentleness, he carefully strapped her body to his own - and took her to the local morgue on his motorcycle.

It was a small token of humanity in a tide of devastation that has claimed 20,000 lives, according to official figures. Up to 60,000 are still missing following the quake on Monday.

Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army dug through the rubble of Wenchuan county with their bare hands to reach those trapped.

As rescuers scrambled to pull out remaining survivors, one child, aged about four, was taken away in a sheet acting as a makeshift stretcher. Another soldier helped a rescued child take sips of milk.

Despite the rising death toll, there have been some isolated scenes to lift the spirits. In the village of Yingxiu, an 11-year-old girl was pulled from the rubble of a school 68 hours after it was destroyed.

Zhang Chunmei told how she and her classmates sang pop songs as they lay trapped and injured in the ruins.

As rescuers tried to clear the debris, she told them: "I'll just wait till you can come and save me. I'm thirsty and hungry, but happy I'm alive."

Last night, China's leaders made a rare appeal for donations of rescue equipment. Up to 80,000 troops streamed into the vast affected area of Sichaun province, while helicopters made supply drops to hundreds of thousands left homeless and cut off, without food and drinking water

14 May 2008

Miracles of the Quran - The Atmosphere

The Layers of The Atmosphere

One fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Quran is that the sky is made up of seven layers.

"It is He who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things."

"Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate"

14 centuries ago, when the sky was believed to be one unified body, the Quran miraculously stated that it consisted of layers, and what is more, "seven" layers, discovered the fact that the atmpsphere surrounding the Earth is made up of "seven" basic layers only very recently.

Miracles of the Quran - Fingerprints

While it is stated in the Quran that it is easy for Allah to bring back to life after death, people's fingerprints are particularly emphasized:
"Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers"

Miracles of the Quran

Sabah Umno's demand

• More positions in the Cabinet and more senior portfolios for Sabah MPs. Sabah Umno cannot understand why Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib was made the Rural Development Minister and Selangor got four ministerial position when he did not contest the election and the richest state fell to the Opposition.

• The channelling of more government funds directly to Sabah state agencies and not through the Federal Development Department.

• The setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the alleged issuance of ICs to illegal immigrants and a more concerted effort to tackle the illegal immigrant problem. This issue is being pushed by Kadazandusun political parties such as Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s UPKO. The Kadazandusuns feels that the influx of Indonesians and Filipinos has pushed them further to the edges of Sabah society.

• An increase in the oil royalty payment from 5 per cent to 20 per cent.

• The abolishment of the Cooking Oil Subsidy Scheme, where palm oil planters in the state pay a levy which subsidises cooking oil for the whole country.

• The encroachment of the Federal governments and its agencies into areas which were traditionally under the power of Sabah.

Will Pak Lah crumble to their demand or will Anwar entice them with more sweeteners? :#

Anwar's political game

SEMUA pihak menanti peristiwa bersejarah dalam negara iaitu penghijrahan beramai-ramai ahli Parlimen BN untuk menyertai pembangkang. Apa yang dibayangkan Anwar Ibahim tidak mustahil berlaku; iaitu terdapat 30 ahli Parlimen menyatakan kesediaan untuk bersama Pakatan Rakyat dan membentuk kerajaan Malaysia baru. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Mahathir Mohamad juga tidak mudah menolak dakwaan itu. Mereka berdua tidak merasakan dakwaan itu sebagai karut melainkan ia perlu dibimbangi oleh BN dan Umno. Terbaru Najib Razak juga sudah terkena sindrom takutkan kepada peristiwa itu. Dalam satu majlis beliau memberi ingatan kepada ahli-ahli Parlimen BN agar jangan khianat parti. Apa dan kenapa Najib berkata demikian?

Diantara ahli ahli politik tanah air, hanya Anwar dan Mahathir saja yang berkaliber dan berupaya untuk merancana satu pelan strategi politik. Apa yang kita dapat lihat sekarang ialah perang saraf diantara kedua-dua mereka. Mereka berdua adalah Master Strategist.

Apakah Pak Lah sudah terhidu beberapa pertemuan sulit antara beberapa MP dengan Anwar atau wakilnya beberapa hari lalu. Bagaimana pun dalam menanti saat bersejarah itu orang ramai perlu berhati-hati dan tidak payah gopoh menerima apa juga berita mengenainya. Mereka jangan pula sampai terperangkap dengan berbagai teori hantu mengenai kemungkinan perisitiwa itu berlaku. Bermacam-macam teori kini dibentangkan kepada umum berhubung perkara berkenaan.

Dalam pada itu pihak BN juga dikatakan sedang membuat berbagai persiapan bagi menghalangnya kemungkinan ada MPnya akan berhijrah. Langkah ini termasuklah menyebarkan khabar angin bertujuan untuk menghilangkan keyakinan orang ramai mengenai kemungkinan itu. Salah satu taktik ialah dengan memberi tarikh-tarikh tertentu mengenai perhijrahan itu.

Terbaru heboh disebarkan kononnya pada Rabu hadapan, 17 ahli Parlimen akan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat. Seorang bergelar Tan Sri dipetik sebagai sumber khabar berkenaan. Jelas berita ini hanya rekaan semata-mata dan satu strategi untuk menghilangkan keyakinan orang ramai berhubung dakwaan berkenaan. Adalah dipercayai selepas Rabu ini akan ada pula tarikh-tarikh baru yang akan disebarkan kepada umum. Matlamat mereka ialah untuk memberi gambaran kepada umum bahawa berita atau kemungkinan berlakunya dakwaan Anwar itu hanya bohong semata-mata.

Mengenang teori ini teringat kita kepada teori bagaimana Ku Li akan menjadi PM. Ianya dicanang sejak bertahun lalu dengan penuh suspen dan sistemetik, bagaimana pun ianya berakhir dengan putih mata. Sebenarnya bila penghijrahan itu akan berlaku tidak siapa ketahui. Cuma kalau pun kini ada ialah rundingan dengan beberapa pihak tertentu dari pihak Anwar dan juga dengan beberapa ahli Parlimen. Itu sahaja dan ia masih dalam peringkat awal.

Kepada rakan rakan ku yang ingin melihat terbentuknya kerajaan baru perlulah bersabar dan jangan mudah terpanggil dengan berbagai sebaran dan teori-teori hantu. Allahualam.

Babi Negara

Pada sesiapa sahaja yang melihat sidang Parlimen Isnin lalu pastinya akan rasa terkejut besar bila mana seorang 'budak' yang mengaku pernah menuntut di Universiti Oxford boleh menjatuhkan maruah universiti berkenaan melalui ucapannya yang tampak begitu 'bodoh' dan kurang ajar.Jika sebelum ini, isu khinzir atau babi hanya berlegar sekitar dada-dada akhbar dan di warung kopi. Namun, dengan hadirnya Khairy sebagai ahli parlimen, tidak semena-menanya babi menjadi semakin terkenal di Parlimen..

Beliau mengungkapkan perkataan 'Projek Babi Raksaksa' dengan singkatannya PKR bagi meraih perhatian. Sikap ini tidak ubah seperti budak hingusan yang meleleh air liur sambil menangis kerana tak diberikan gula-gula, oleh itu beliau melakukan sesuatu yang lain dari yang lain dengan membawa 'BABI' ini masuk parlimen melalui ucapannya.

Apa jua niat beliau, semua orang hanya berfikir satu perkara sahaja...banyak akronim lain boleh di ungkapkan bagi mengambarkan projek Babi tapi bila di sebut akronim PKR maka jelaslah niatnya untuk perlekehkan Parti KeADILan Rakyat.Bagus juga beliau bangkitkan hal ini, kerana secara tak langsung akhirnya beliau telah memalukan Umno dan BN khususnya bila YB. Mahfuz membalas akronim itu dengan BN yang diajuk sebagai 'BABI Negara'. Padan muka puak-puak ini. Pastinya selepas sidang itu akan lebih ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang benci pada Pemuda dan seluruh ahli Umno.

Jika Hishamuddin terkenal dengan adegan julang keris...sekarang Khairy akan lebih terkenal lagi dengan anekdot 'BABI Negara', hadiah berharga buat beliau dan Pak Mertua lantaran keceluparan mulut beliau. Dulu ramai orang gelarkan beliau sebagai Beruk kerana suka panggil orang lain Beruk....sekarang, dah Upgrade dan ada sesetengah pembaca blog dan rakyat diluar sana yang memanggilnya sebagai Ahli Parlimen BN (Babi Negara).

Walau apa pun hujah beliau, rakyat kini semakin faham bahawa perangai buruk Babi yang hanya pentingkan diri tanpa memikirkan persekitarannya telah menjangkiti pemimpin muda BN yang dimulai oleh Khairy. Khinzir atau babi memang haram, tapi menyebutnya tidaklah haram. Cuma cara dan bagaimana ianya disampaikan pastinya akan memberikan impak yang berbeza. Dan apa yang dilakukan oleh Khairy ini sudah diluar batasan dan kalaulah Babi itu ada perasaaan, pastinya mereka akan kecil hati dengan sikap Khairy ini yang menjadikan mereka sebagai bahan lawak bodoh di Parlimen.

Selepas ini beliau seharusnya berbincang dengan Babi-babi yang diternak di kawasan beliau sebelum membawa isu Babi ke Parlimen agar tidak menyusahkan keturunan Babi dinegara ini. Teringat lagi pesan guru masa di sekolah menengah dulu, "Kalau kita nak jadi orang yang dihormati, maka belajarlah dulu menghormati orang lain"...maka bila Khairy sudah tidak menghormati pimpinan lain dan juga Institusi Parlimen, maka selayaknya beliau dihumbankan ke kandang Babi sahaja kerana disitulah tempat terbaik bagi mereka yang menuntut ilmu kurang ajar versi Babi :v

No Crossover today?

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has managed to head off a possible crossover of Sabah Barisan Nasional MPs to the Opposition by meeting key political players from the East Malaysian state. :(

The Prime Minister had discussions over the past 24 hours with Sabah Progressive Party president Datuk Yong Teck Lee, Upko president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok and several other Sabah politicians to assure them that the administration was serious about developing the state and addressing their concerns over the lack of recognition for BN politicians from Sabah.

Abdullah’s government can collapse if 30 BN MPs cross over to Pakatan Rakyat. Ruling coalition leaders are confident that the Pakatan Rakyat will not be able to obtain the numbers to force Abdullah’s government to fall. But they do not want to underestimate Anwar Ibrahim’s influence nor the ability of Pakatan Rakyat to entice BN MPs with promises of money and senior positions.

Abdullah’s intervention yesterday and today probably persuaded some BN MPs from Sabah from crossing over. But he will have to come up with more than just assuring words if he is to persuade them to put away their threats for good. :z

Petronas paid royalties of RM7.364 bil from 2004-2007 to Terengganu

Wow, so much money paid to Terengganu (That is RM7,364 million to put it in perspective!) and I wonder where does the money goes to? If the money were well spend, i should think Terengganu would become one of the richest state in Malaysia today. No more poor folks and no more debt for Terengganu state. Why don't the new MB engage an accounting firm and do a thorough auditing of state fund. It would be interesting to know where the coffers go to? We also want to know the real cost of the Crystal Mosque, the Monsoon cup and other mega projects. No wonder the Agong is so hype up about the MB's issue.

But i don't think that would happen, as it would tarnish the image of so many people. I really pity the Terengganu folks.

From NST online:
National oil company Petronas paid out a total of RM26.839 billion in royalties to the Federal Government and the state governments of Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak for the financial years ended March 2004 till March 2007.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator Datuk Amirsham A.Aziz said the royalty paid to the Federal Government was RM13.420 billion, Terengganu RM7.364 billion, Sabah RM1.234 billion and Sarawak RM4.821 billion.He said the country’s crude oil reserves and condensate were expected to last 22 years while the gas reserves 39 years.“Although it looks like the reserves period is long, the reality is the country is also importing oil and gas to partly cater to the local demand.

Therefore, the country is expected to become a net importer of energy in the near term projected to be by 2014,” he said during the Question and Answer session at the Dewan Rakyat sitting today.He was replying to a question from Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (PKR-Permatang Pauh).On Petronas contribution or royalties to the states, he said they were paid according to the formula that had been fixed which is five percent or half of the royalty received by the Federal Government. Amirsham said the petroleum and gas products exported by the subsidiary companies of Petronas are based on world market prices while in the domestic market, the prices of products sold are partly fixed by the government such as the sale of gas to the electric sector and non electric sector.

Petronas recorded a total revenue of RM165.3 billion from the sales of its petroleum and gas products for the financial year ended March 31, 2007.To a question on whether the government had agreed to paying Sarawak a royalty rate of 20 percent for the oil from new oil fields, Amirsham said as at this point the government had no plans to review the royalty.

Firaun in the Cairo Museum

Last year i went to Egypt and visited the Cairo Museum. It has the greatest collection of Egyptian antiquities. One whole day will not be enough to visit all the antiquities there. Personally i would rate the Cairo Museum better than the British Museum in London.

However, the negative side is that the environmental and display conditions leave a great deal to be desired. Labels on some exhibits date from early in the century and many items have no labels at all. Guidebooks are available at the museum, although they are limited to some of the major items. For a small fee, the best part of the visit is seeing the embalmed body of Firaun (believed to be Ramses 2), i.e the Firaun that is mention numerous times in the Quran.

The Firaun's embalmed body features a hooked nose and strong jaw, and is below average height for an ancient Egyptian, standing some five feet, seven inches. He has an average body frame with strands of hair still remaining and he, may have been a redhead. There lies a man, who claimed to be God and during his reign prophet Moses led his Jewish people to rebel against him. As told in the Quran, he was drowned in the Red Sea while pursuing prophet Moses towards the Senai desert. A closer look, revealed a face that died in shock, probably due to the trauma seeing the parting sea engulfing and drowning him!

Allah says "This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs

Professor Maurice Bucaille who did a thorough forensic investigation on the mummy, concluded that the body has a high salt content akin to someone drowned. The salt in his body is peculiar to the salt of the Red Sea. A medical examination of this mummy, has shown that the body could not have stayed in the water for long, because it does not shows signs of deterioration due to prolonged submersion and immediate after that the body was embalmed and mummified.

Professor Maurice Bucaille was the French medical Doctor who led a team of Scientists and Doctors ordered by France's President to preserve the mummy. In 1974, Egyptologists visiting his tomb noticed that the mummy's condition was rapidly deteriorating. They decided to fly Ramesses II's mummy to Paris for examination. Ramesses II was issued an Egyptian passport that listed his occupation as "King (deceased)." According to a Discovery Channel documentary, the mummy was received at a Paris airport with the full military honours befitting a king!

13 May 2008

Ne obliviscaris (lest you may forget) 2

Taking pictures in Hebron: The Israeli army went on the rampage in the Palestinian city of Hebron. A lone Palestinian resistance fighter confronted the invading foreign army. He was killed one day before Eid. The Israeli soldiers who shot him are posing beside his body unaware that a photographer was near by. How would you feel if this Palestinian was your own brother, what would you do?

11 May 2008

Anwar in Jebat-Must-Die blog

A different perspective of Anwar Ibrahim in jebat-must-die blog.

Must read here.

The rakyat hopes that he is a changed man now. The many years of incarceration would mellow any man.

All those UMNO years of misdemeanor............
Finally we hope he has paid his dues.

Ne obliviscaris (lest you may forget) 1

A Palestinian David Confronts the Israeli Goliath

A Palestinian David Confronts the Israeli Goliath

Oct. 29, 2000: A Palestinian boy, Fares Udah, 13, confronts an Israeli tank, during a Jewish attack on the outskirts of Gaza City. According to the boy's mother, Enaam Udah, 41, her son survived the encounter with the tank only to be shot dead by the Israelis on Nov. 8, 2000.

Betul atau Tidak, tunggu rabu 14/5/08 ini

Awas!!! hari Rabu 17 Ahli Parlimen BN Menyertai Pakatan…

Info Dipetik : Agenda Daily 11 Mei 2008

GEMPAR: Seramai 17 Ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) dikatakan hampir pasti akan menyertai pakatan pembangkang, Rabu ini.

Menurut sumber yang rapat dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang layak dipercayai, perkara itu bukan lagi perang saraf Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat itu sebaliknya satu perkara akan menjadi kenyataan.

Malah menurut sumber itu, seorang ahli perniagaan dari Kuala Lumpur yang bergelar Tan Sri dikatakan terlibat di dalam urusan antara Anwar dan para Ahli Parlimen yang berkenaan.
Sumber itu menjelaskan, majoriti dariapda 17 Ahli Parlimen BN yang akan menyertai pakatan pembangkang adalah dari Sabah.

Sebelum ini beberapa maklumat yang diperolehi, Anwar semasa berada di Hong Kong telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan beberapa Ahli Parlimen BN termasuk seorang Presiden sebuah parti komponen BN Sabah.

Anwar juga sebelum ini dilaporkan memberikan bayangan bahawa pakatan pembangkang akan membentuk kerajaan yang baru paling lewat 16 September depan bersempena dengan hari penubuhan Malaysia.

Anwar sejak pilihan raya umum lalu telah beberapa kali mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung adanya Ahli parlimen BN yang telah menyatakan kesediaan mereka untuk menyertai beliau membentuk kerajaan baru.

Dakwaan yang dibuat Anwar itu menjadi bualan yang akhirnya mula dikhuatiri akan menjadi kenyataan ekoran prestasi BN yang buruk selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 yang menyaksikan BN kehilangan majoriti dua pertiga.

Flavour of the day : Sedition

What Karpal Singh said:

“Sultan Azlan Shah did not have any say, as the Ruler of Perak, in the decision made by the state government and, by law, the palace cannot order the state government to reinstate Jamry.”
[Source: NST]

What Zaid Ibrahim said:

“It’s important for everyone, including the monarch, to respect the law, and in this case the law is quite clear.”

“The discretion of the monarch in appointing the menteri besar is not an absolute personal discretion.”

“It has to be exercised in a way that the constitution expects,” he [Zaid] said, which is to appoint the person whose command of a majority in the state assembly was “very clear”.

“It is only in cases of a deadlock, where multiple parties are involved, that the ruler has the discretion to appoint the person he thinks has the support of the majority.”

“The palace should withdraw the appointment, which in the first place is not valid, because he has appointed someone without a majority.”
[Source: NST]

What PM said during the Terengganu MB's debacle:

“any appointment other than his (Idris Jusoh’s) is against the Constitution and not valid.”
[Source: NST]

I would not like to comment as it can be seditious!

Anyhow, which statement is seditious?

You be the judge.